i am. joy

i am. joy. i am. free. i am. full of hope. i am. full of peace. i am. a child of Jesus.

i am. so happy. for the first time in my life i have hope. not long ago i lived a life of oppression on the streets. i was a homeless orphan fighting daily to live. stealing to eat. running from people who wanted to take advantage of me. then i found the House of Hope. then i found Jesus. now i have a hope and a future.

do you see my short hair? it’s a daily reminder of just a short time ago God’s grace brought me to the House of Hope. you see, they bleached my hair and then shaved my head to get rid of the lice when i came to them. i only have a couple months of growth now… i smile every time i look in the mirror because it’s a constant reminder of God’s grace.

i am. joy

Wow… This little girl and her smile. It made me cry and made my heart sing! She is so beautiful. These girls are so taken advantage of on the streets. I met and have other shots of girls who are still on the streets and the light in their eyes is dim but this little girls is so bright! She radiated as they sang us a song about their Savior.

She’s only been with the House of Hope for a short time, as you can see from her hair, but she already can recite more bible verses than I can and pray more intensely than I do. These little girls (and the boys too) stretched my faith in many ways and I am forever in their debt.

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